MacGourmet Deluxe 4, Download Version



    MacGourmet Deluxe 4 enables you to easily create, edit, organize, and share your recipes. Create a shopping list, make notes about wine, beer, and cheese. Search for something for dinner, add to your collection without typing, import from other recipe products. With proprietary cloud support, your recipe collection will be saved and updated without you having to think about it. It’s all there for you – recipe management that you can only do on a Mac – in one neat package.

    Going digital is now firmly set as a part of your life. You now scan documents and receipts to create digital records. You get a lot of bills and invoices emailed to you. You even pay them electronically. You communicate to friends and family through social media venues. So why are you still using a recipe box with tattered and food stained recipes cards? We know why. They are sort of, you know, sentimental. We get that, but when you go digital with your recipes the possibilities of what you can do are almost endless.

    Organize, categorize, classify.
    We’ve already added list categories, but feel free to create your own. Make a list for Vegetarian, Gluten-free, Sugar-free, Low Fat, even “recipes from Grandmother.” If you’ve been using a different recipe management solution and want to keep those recipes separate, all you need to do is create a new List & import just those recipes into that list folder – it’s that easy. You can create Smart Lists based on criteria such as dates, source, cuisine – even yield. Flag the recipes that make you stand out at dinner parties.

    Your recipe collection will make your friends envious.
    Bring life to your recipes. Let’s face it, reviewing the list of ingredients is an important factor in selecting a dish, but when an image of the final product is added, all the senses can get involved. Use one of the many supplied themes & your recipe box takes on a life of its own. Plus, every cook knows how important it is to be able to see the instructions as well as to read them.
