Aruba Instant On AP17 1.14 GBit/s Wireless Access Point



Protect your valuable data with the Aruba Instant On AP17y. With a built-in power supply, every component receives accurate voltage, guaranteeing optimal performance. Experience high-speed wireless transmission rates of 1.14 Gbit/s, facilitating efficient communication with maximum efficiency. Enjoy up to 10x faster speeds than standard Ethernet connectivity for your wired network. Create a reliable wireless business network with high-speed data transfer capabilities with. the Aruba Instant On AP17y.

  • Experience efficient communication with wireless transmission speeds of 1
  • 14 Gbit/s
  • Enjoy network performance with data transfer rates of up to 1
  • 14 Gbit/s, leveraging the IEEE 802
  • 11ac standard
  • Achieve up to 10x faster speeds than standard Ethernet connectivity for wired network, optimizing data transfer
  • Wall-Mountable Design.