Icon Legend

The Icon Legend below represents special attributes for products that can be purchased through Office Depot. Prices and offers on www.officedepot.com may not apply to purchases made on business.officedepot.com. See Terms of Use for details.
Indicates items that are shipped directly from the manufacturer. Because these items are special order, please note that Office Depot is unable to accept returns. Cancellation of orders may be done only on the day of purchase.
Prices, assortment, and availability are determined by the delivery zip code entered at the time of purchase.
Available online Indicates items that are available for delivery.
Free In Store Pick Up Indicates these items may be purchased online and acquired at the Office Depot® store you've selected.
Sold in stores Indicates these items may be purchased at Office Depot® stores. Item availability may vary based upon location.
Indicates items are only available in the Office Depot store locations.
HUB - Historically Underutilized Businesses include minority-owned, women-owned, disabled-owned, veteran-owned, and small (SBA 8(a), SDB, and HUB Zone) businesses.
Clearance items available while supplies last. Quantity varies by location. Pricing available through OfficeDepot.com only.
Limited Purchase icon Indicates this special order product may be customized by you during the order process.
Limited Purchase icon Oversized items, based on product dimensions or weighing more than 70lbs, are charged a delivery fee of $24.99 within our local trading areas or $39.99 outside of our local trading area. This charge is per order, regardless of how many products are ordered. Actual delivery prices will be provided at point of sale and may be reviewed at any time during your shopping experience by clicking on the checkout button. Delivery expected within seven business days of purchase; valid for in stock furniture and oversized technology.
Same Day icon Order by 10 AM, get your order by 5 pm that same day. Available for a fee of $14.95 on most stock orders. Excludes Furniture. Not available in all areas.
GSA icon Indicates the item is covered under GSA Contract GS-14F-0040K.
NON GSA icon Indicates the item is not on GSA Contract and is sold on an open market basis.
Limited Purchase icon Limited Purchase icon Limited Purchase icon Limited Purchase icon Indicates items that are outside of the regular delivery area, will be delivered in the time specified.
Assembly Required icon Indicates items that require assembly.
Eco conscious icon Eco-Conscious Indicates items with one or more meaningful eco-attribute or eco-label, details of which are provided in the item description or detail.
Recycled icon Recycled Content Indicates items that contain post consumer and/or post industrial recycled materials.